Contact Us

Please don't hesitate to contact Jim & Bernis Ingvaldson

telephone: 218-331-8070

location: The Honeyberry Farm at 19736 350th St. Bagley, MN 56621
1/2 mi south, 1.3 mi east of Bagley
Google Maps or MapQuest Link
mailing address: HoneyberryUSA, PO Box 512, Bagley, MN 56621

Open June 17 - July 30 for U-Pick Mon - Fri: 9-6, Sat: 9-12, Sun: 11-2
Other times of the year: Please contact us to confirm we will be home. We usually have frozen honeyberries and possibly some other berries for sale. but we prefer email or text to DM


Contact us via email -

Recommended accommodations
  • Farm by the Lake, Bagley, 3 miles
  • Hideout Resort, Pennington, east of Bemidji, 60 miles