Ben Connan blossoms

Ribes Links
  • Gooseberry Grower Guide by Scott Raffle, UK
  • UMN Currants & Gooseberries & MISA currant info, MISA gooseberry info.
  • Black Currant - An insight into the crop Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 2012
  • Virginia Cooperative Extension Specialty Crop Profile: Ribes (Currants and Gooseberries)
  • University of Kentucky Extension - Gooseberries and Currants
  • Penn State Disease Descriptions
  • UMN White Pine Blister Rust, Polish study 1999
  • USA Gardener recommends pruning the canes back to 2 buds for transplanting
  • How to Plant and Prune Currant Bushes from Grow Veg
  • Organic Black Currant Production Manual
  • IBA Recipes
  • Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries: A Guide for Growers, Marketers by Barney, Hummer
  • Mosaic Virus treatment
  • Martha Stewart's blog
  • 5 min "jam"
  • Kvass
  • Danish Study 2011
  • Montana State video 2021

  • Ben Sarek and Ben Hope
    Ribes nigrum Ben series of black currants from the Mylnefield Research Station in Scotland, estimated to account for 50% of global production.

  • Currants only fruit on wood produced the previous year.
  • After planting, cut the shoots down to leave about 2 buds above ground level. This will encourage a strong root system to develop. Do not cut away any shoots the following winter.
  • In the third or fourth winter, cut some of the old wood out of the bush and any crossing or crowded shoots, to make room for new shoots the following year. As a general rule, it is best to cut out a third of the old wood each year, making the cut as close to the soil level as possible.
  • Red, White, and Pink Currants are self-pollinating.
  • Black Currants may need a companion U Kentucky but most seem to be self-pollinating.
  • Keep the bushes well watered especially the first year, and mulching is beneficial.
  • Supposedly... gooseberries like a feeding of 25-ppm phosphorous, calcium nitrate just before flower, after flower, and 4 weeks later, 200 ppm magnesium, 80 ppm postassium (K-Mag is a good product), late August OK to apply

  • AzaGuard(R) Omri listed (organic) INSECTICIDE / NEMATICIDE good for leaf hoppers
  • Crandall blossoms
    Jostaberry blossom
    Chernaya Lisovenko autumn transplants

    We don't have a video yet of harvesting currants or gooseberries with our ATRAX harvester, but the shake and drop method works well on them as it does with haskap/honeyberries, as long as you let the fruit ripen long enough so that it can be shaken off.



    Raspberry-Currant Dessert
    3 c raspberries
    1 c black currants

    3/4 c sugar
    3 T butter
    1 tsp b. powder
    1 c flour
    1/4 t salt
    1/2 c milk

    1 c sugar
    1 T cornstarch
    1/2 c boiling water

    Spread berries into 9x2 pan. Cream together 3/4 c sugar, butter, baking powder, flour, and salt. Mix milk into dry ingredients. Spread batter on top of berries. Combine 1 c sugar and cornstarch. Sprinkle over batter. Pour 1/2 c boiling water over mixture, don’t stir. Bake at 350F for 40-45 minutes. You can use any fruit in this recipe. Rhubarb also does well but for less tart fruits you may want to cut down on sugar. Top with whipped cream or ice cream.

    Black currant jam (Danish cook says it's the best method )
  • 1000 grams of fully ripe black currants, washed and free of any ribs or leaves.
  • 100 ml water
  • 2 Tbs lemon juice
  • 650 g sugar

    Heat black currants, water and lemon juice, very slowly in a big sauté pan under lid, until the berries start to juicy. Boil very low for 5 minutes. Stir the sugar in and bring it to a hard boil. Remove from heat. Poor quickly into warm clean jars and seal the jars. This portion gives approximately 8 8oz jars. It might take a few days before the jam has gelled completely. The charm of this method is, that the jam is soft and the berries are not hard.

    Danish cook says, "I always use a French confiture pan of solid uncoated copper for all jam making. It has slanted sides. The heat very evenly distributed and the jam never gets overheated along the sides. I use a round pizza pan as a lid."

    Black Currant Pastille

  • Currants & Gooseberries

    Jump to: Black Currants, Pink Currants, Red Currants, White Currants, Gooseberries, Jostaberries
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    Please view state restrictions if you live in Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, Virginia or West Virginia.
    White Pine Blister Rust (WBPR) information: APS Journal 2015 , Forest Pathology 2010, OSU 2010.
    If you are not allowed to grow currants in your state, we encourage you to try HONEYBERRIES! They grow into a bush similar to currants, but are juicier and have thinner skins and smaller seeds with an explosive wonderful flavor!

    All Ribes varieties listed below typically grow 3-6' tall. Plants below are usually shipped bare root or "plugs" - i.e. 2.5" - 3" wide/deep in a peat "plug", which transplants very nicely. Some plants we grow ourselves, others we bring in from other propagators. Most plants are over around 1' tall, some more, some may be less. All varieties on this page may be combined for quantity discounts on the drop-down list. Please Contact us for wholesale pricing for quantities not listed.

    Pollination: Savanna Institute states that "most black currant varieties are self-fertile, but yield and berry size are increased from cross- pollination. It's recommended that anywhere from 1-20% of the plants in an orchard be pollinator species for optimum yield." U Kentucky states that most are generally self-sterile so need a second black currant to produce. Red, white and pink do not need a companion but will generally produce more with a companion with which to cross pollinate.

    Difference between pruning black and red/white/pink/ currants (Pots & Trowels)
    Pruning Blackcurrants and Redcurrants, What's the Difference? (Pots & Trowels)


    BlackCurrant 150.jpg

    We pick for you

    Black Currant Any

    American Black Currant, Ribes americanum, a native shrub with lovely yellow flowers in early spring followed by edible black berries in mid-summer. Non-standard tasting berries - may be tart or sweet.
    American Black Currant

    Belorusskaya, (Belaruskaja) a Russian variety, on the sweeter side, very nice for people not accustomed to the typical strong black currant flavor. Disease resistant but one of our customers verifies it got WPBR.

    Belorusskaya Black Currant

    Ben Connan
    This is an early variety of black currant with large, deep black berries that was released by Mylnefield specifically for the fresh market. It is high yielding and shows even and uniform ripening. It has large, deep black berries with a pleasant acid/sweet flavour. Of medium size, its compact growth habit makes it suitable for both mechanical fruit harvesting, u-pick farms and the home garden market. Great for fresh eating, jams, preserves, canning but needs to be harvested good and ripe for best sweetness. Not as juicy as the other varieties. Ben Connan is a cross between Ben Sarek and Ben Lomond, yielding 187 Connan berries per 250 grams fruit vs. 206 smaller Lomond berries. Ben Connan yields 16,683.8 vs. 14,810 pounds per acre for Ben Lomond)

    Ben Connan Black Currant

    Ben Sarek
    Early ripening cultivar good for the fresh market with high yield and large berries. It forms a small, compact bush of medium vigour and would be suitable for the grower looking for high yield per unit area. Easy to manage and harvest. Not recommended for juice. The plant is distinctively shorter than most other black currants – about 3 feet high. Consequently the sturdy canes remain more upright even without trellis and with the extra heavy load they normally bear. While Ben Sarek has some of the largest berries of any black currants, the clusters are short and hang close to the canes. This last characteristic slows picking down a trifle, but their size and flavor make up for that. The berries have good flavor and tend to have a tough skin, the place where flavor and nutrients normally concentrate. The yield tends to be high and the crop tends to mature more uniformly than others, providing a concentrated harvest time. The plant is powdery mildew resistant. Ben Sarek was developed by the Scottish Crop Research Institute, where all the "Ben" series of black currants have been developed.

    Ben Sarek Black Currant

    Chernaya Lisovenko
    A medium-late ripening selection from Europe, this black currant is a vigorous grower with colorful auburn leaves in the fall. Has a slightly "fruitier" taste than the Ben series. Chernaya Lisovenko is a tasty and productive Russian black currant cultivar released by the Gardening Research Institute of Siberia in 1985. It was secured from the University of Minnesota in the late 1980s. Russians, Ukrainians, Polish and other eastern and northern Europeans love the berry for its authentic flavor. The plants are upright, vigorous, disease resistant and productive. The medium sized berries are suitable for all purposes.
    Unofficial observation in Wisconsin indicates WPBR resistance.

    Chernaya Lisovenko Black Currant

    Consort - a disease resistant parent of Titania.
    Released in 1948. Origin: Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. These cultivars are known in North America and Europe for their resistance to white pine blister rust. Their gene for resistance comes from R. usuriense Jancz. Each of these cultivars demonstrated similar disease resistance qualities under Corvallis conditions. They ripened early, had a moderate yield, and small fruits (0.69 to 0.75 g/berry). All three were harvested on 29 June 1995. The plants were infected with gray mold, mildew, and leaf spot. No infection of white pine blister rust was observed on any of these plants. These cultivars are recommended where commercial plantings of R. nigrum cultivars are desired but where the pressure of white pine blister rust is high. Their yield and fruit quality do not attain European standards.

    Consort Black Currant

    Coronet is WPBR resistant, with somewhat bitter berries but good for processing.

    Coronet black currant

    Crandall Clove Currant Ribes odoratum Native to North America. Our propagator reports: "This is not (like a European) black currant except in color. It ripens much later, is sweeter without the black currant muskiness. The yellow flowers in spring are spicy sweet and the bush is large (5'-6') and open and has lovely fall color. Additional info from one of my customers: The Crandall selection was from a wild stand of ribes odoratum found by a farmer west of Newton, KS in 1888. He developed the strain, which had extra sweetness and larger berry size. The original stand is gone now and I don't remember who sent me my original plant thirty years ago, but I got a better strain from Colorado about 20 years ago. Some Crandalls bear better than others and because they are hard to root, I suspect that some nurseries are selling seedlings." For more info see Missouri Botanical Garden Our variety is tentatively cold hardy at least down to zone 3.

    Crandall Black Currant

    Minaj Smyriou/Minaj Shmyrev/Minaj Smyreu is from Bulgaria. An early ripener, its mild flavor and thin skin may be more appealing to some people than stronger flavored varieties. It is very productive and vigorous, requiring extra pruning. Resistant to White Pine Blister Rust.

    Minaj Smyriou Black Currant

    Risager is another personal favorite of the propagator for fresh eating. WBPR resistant but may not be as disease resistant as other varieties (as observed by one grower in Wisconsin).

    Risager Black Currant

    Otelo has an upright growth habit, late ripening, good fruit quality with firm berries. Originated in Slovakia. More info MKSZN info

    Otelo Black Currant

    Titania is a vigorous Swedish variety developed in the 1980s, a child of Consort black currant. Avg. height 40" (103 cm) width 34" (87 cm) fruit size 81 g Flowers/truss 5.6 ( resistant to White Pine Blister Rust and powdery mildew except "now the Cr gene for rust resistance has been broken in the North Eastern US. They have strains of rust that we do not have in the west. The cultivars 'Consort' 'Crusader' and 'Titania' are susceptible to rust in the Northeast." apsjournals 17 Aug 2015

    Self-pollination and Self-fertility in Eight Cultivars of Black Currants showed that Titania had the lowest degree of self-fertility so we recommend ordering another black currant for cross-pollination.

    Titania Black Currant

    Willoughby Black Currant is WPBR resistant. Early to midseason ripening, good producer of tasty berries.

    Willoughby black currant


    Gloire des Sablons150.jpg
    Gloire des Sablons

    Gloire des Sablons150.jpg

    Gloire des Sablons Pink Currant

    Ribes rubrum Produces long clusters of beautiful pink fruit. Productive, compact, vigorous plant. Some people prefer it to Pink Champaigne for some reason.
    Gloire des Sablons Currant

    Pink Champagne

    Mid- to late-season. Pink Champagne is the result of a cross between red and white currants, is free of leaf diseases, and is the "champagne" of currants. The attractive, translucent, pink-blush berries are born on medium long clusters, are sweeter than reds, of high quality and flavor. Often consumed fresh, they make beautiful sparkling gourmet juice, jelly, jam, syrup, toppings and pies, and add an attractive sparkle to almost any salad. They may be blended for any purpose with white, red and black currants, gooseberries and other berries and fruits. This variety typically yields less than the average red and white currant cultivars.

    Pink Champaigne Pink Currant


    Ribes rubrum

  • Red Currant Smoothie
  • More ideas

  • Rovada150.jpg

    Any Red Currant

    (we have some older unlabelled plants we're not sure of variety but definitely NOT the tart Red Lake)
    Red Currant - Any XL bare root


    Mid-late season Rovada produces heavy crops of large translucent berries born in long clusters. It can be eaten fresh or processed into sparkling red jams or jellies. Sweet-tart flavor. Not as tart as Red Lake but tarter than some other varieties. Very reliable, as it is late to flower, avoiding frosts. This enables growers to extend the harvest season for a month or longer if the weather is moderate and not too hot. Rovada was developed in the Netherlands by L. M. Wassernaar and released in 1980. While many sources say it is resistant to powdery mildew, the U of Kentucky says otherwise regarding WPBR or powdery mildew.

    Rovada Red Currant


    "Mid-season selection from Slovakia. Plants are very large, robust, and upright. Fruit are large and produced on very long strigs, often with as many as 25 to 30 berries per strig. Very high yielding. Good resistance to gray mold. Should be planted on at least five-foot row centers." (source: Virginia Cooperative Extension)
    Sweet berry with minimal tartness.

    Detvan Red Currant

    Jonkheer van Tets

    Very early ripening, JVT is vigorous, very productive, disease resistant, easy to harvest, and has attractive berries of excellent flavor. Midsize berries. Hardy, upright easy-picking bush. WPBR restitant, not powdery mildew resistant. JVT was released by J. Maarse, Netherlands, 1941. After more than 70 years, this early season variety continues to be the leading variety in Northern Europe and is fast catching on in the USA even though it has been reported to not perform as well in real wet climates or with continuous rains during harvest.

    Jonkeer Van Tets Red Currant
    Jonkeer Van Tets Red Currant XL

    Red Lake

    "Mid- to late-season. Fruit are large, firm, light red, and sub-acid. Has high juice content and easy-to-pick long strigs. Plants are productive, upright, dense, and hardy. Susceptible to mildew. Has a low tolerance to frost. (source: Virginia Cooperative Extension) Our tartest variety. More info

    Red Lake Red Currant


    A cross between Jonkheer Van Tets and Rosetta from the Netherlands, Rolan is a great producer, growing 3-5' tall with dense foliage. Excellent berries for fresh eating or preserves.

    Rolan Red Currant


    Rosetta was developed in the Netherlands by the Waningen Agriculture University and has Jonkheer van Tets as one of its parents. The berries are large and are borne on long, loose fruit clusters. The plants are fairly vigorous and disease resistant. The maturity season is late, the same time as Rovada, enabling growers to extend their season when combining it with early varieties, such as Jonkheer van Tets.

    Rosetta Red Currant


    White Pearl


    Ribes rubrum Late-season. Blanka is a disease resistant, vigorous, very productive plant with a spreading tendency. Because it blooms late, it escapes late spring frosts and matures late, thus enabling a longer season of white currants. Blanka’s translucent white berries are borne on unusually long strigs. Blending red raspberry juice with white currant juice makes an exquisite beverage. Fully ripened, sweet white currants also make delightful desert wines. Blanka was bred by J. Cvopa at Bojnice, Slovakia, and released in 1977. It has the same Minnesota connection that Tatran and Primus do, having Red Lake as one of its parents.

    Blanka White Currant


    Ribes rubrum Mid-season. Pinkish white berries are medium sized, sweet, juicy, and rich-flavored. Resistant to powdery mildew, not resistant to WPBR. From ARS Corvallis: "R. rubrum L. cv. White Imperial RIB 120.001 Synonyms: Imperatorskaja Belaja Origin: S. Willard from Geneva, New York named this cultivar about 1890. This cultivar ripened mid-season and was moderately-high yielding. The fruit (0.59 g/berry) was harvested on 7 July 1995. The plant was resistant to gray mold and mildew and was slightly infected with leaf spot. This cultivar is recommended for u-pick and commercial production."

    Imperial White Currant

    Swedish 1301

    From ARS Corvallis: "R. rubrum L. cv. White Currant 1301 RIB 226.001 Origin: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Kristianstad, Sweden. This cultivar ripened late, was the highest yield of evaluated white currants. The fruit was mid-size (0.62 g/berry) and was harvested on 11 July 1995. The plant was resistant to mildew and leaf spot and slightly infected with gray mold. This cultivar is recommended for u-pick and commercial planting."

    Swedish 1301 White Currant 1-2' tall


    Ribes rubrum Translucent white fruit with a sweet, intense flavor. The attractive plant is upright, vigorous, and produces good yields of high quality, flavorful berries. Primus is a very attractive plant as its leaves have a distinctive red tinge and young shoots are almost entirely red. Primus is a late-season white currant variety that was bred by J. Cvopa at Bojnice, Slovakia, and released in 1977. It has the same Minnesota connection that Tatran and Blanka do, having Red Lake as one of its parents. Resistant to White Pine Blister Rust and powdery mildew.

    Primus White Currant


    Mother Earth News Gooseberry article

    Ripening order: Invicta, Hinnomaki Red, Tixia, Black Velvet, Jeanne (others unknown)


    Ribes hirtellum "Cross of American and European cultivars and is resistant to powdery mildew. It has antique red teardrop-shaped fruit and is nearly thornless. It a late season variety with great flavor..." Source: Cornell Ribes Culture Review.
    Somewhat susceptible to Anthracnose leaf spot but "regular sprays of Cueva (copper soap) with Double Nickel (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) significantly reduced disease."

    Captivator Gooseberry 1-2'

    Hinnomaki Red

    Ribes uva-crispa "Developed in Finland. Hinnonmaki Red fruit are medium size; skin is tart, but the flesh is sweet, aromatic and has very good flavor. Plants are short, moderate in vigor, and upright to slightly spreading." Source: Virginia Cooperative Extension Specialty Crop Profile: Ribes (Currants and Gooseberries). Thorny. Very good resistance to Anthracnose leaf spot.

    Hinnomaki Red Gooseberry

    Hinnomaki Yellow

    Ribes uva-crispa "Developed in Finland. Fruit is green-yellow and medium size; skin is tart, but the flesh is sweet, aromatic and has very good flavor. Plants are short, moderate in vigor, and upright to slightly spreading." Source: Virginia Cooperative Extension Specialty Crop Profile: Ribes (Currants and Gooseberries). More info

    Hinnomaki Yellow Gooseberry


    Ribes uva-crispa Early- to mid-season. Fruit are large and pale green turning pink-purple as they ripen, with a bland flavor. This cultivar is often used for processing, where it provides an even color and flavor. Plants are large and very productive, and have numerous spines. Resistance to mildew (but not to other leaf spots) is good. Source: Virginia Cooperative Extension Specialty Crop Profile: Ribes (Currants and Gooseberries).

    Invicta Gooseberry

    Jahn's Prairie

    Ribes oxycanthoides 4-5' tall, upright growth. "Disease resistant and produces high quality, dark red, dessert gooseberries. This plant was selected by Dr. Otto L. Jahn from a native population of the species growing in Alberta, Canada, in 1984. The species is native in the northern prairies of the U.S. and Canada. Cuttings were propagated, grown and field evaluated as RIB 139 from 1991 to the present. The cultivar is named in memory of Dr. Jahn, who was the first curator for the National Clonal Germplasm Repository in Covallis, Oregon." Source: USDA Ag Research Service

    Jahn's Prairie Gooseberry


    Jeanne is a disease and pest resistant, high quality, dark-red, dessert gooseberry cultivar. It is a late-ripening, dark red dessert gooseberry with an unknown mixed European/American gooseberry pedigree. JEANNE should be suitable for commercial gooseberry production or home plantings. The yield of JEANNE is higher than from most gooseberries, with production of about 1.5 kg/3+ lbs per plant. The leaves are highly resistant to powdery mildew. Even more in its favor, the leaves of JEANNE are also highly resistant to white pine blister rust. They have very few pesky spines. More info at USDA Ag Research

    Jeanne Gooseberry


    Very vigorous, upright and sprawling habit, sweet good flavor, higher yield than Hinnomaki Red, but some people like the flavor and texture of Hinnomaki Red more.

    Pixwell Gooseberry


    Grower feedback rates it as one of the best, especially for those looking for a sweet gooseberry. Developed in Utah from an American x European cross, released in 1888. Early to mid season, the 3/4 - 1' long oblong shaped fruits turn pink/red when ripe. Vigorous, high yielding, almost thornless, plants reach 3-4' height. Hardiness Zones 4-10 but we will be trialing it here in zone 3 and usually do best in zone 7 and lower. Missouri Botanical Garden info and YouTube.

    Poorman Gooseberry



    Red Jostaberry

    Black currant x R. divaricatum Very vigorous. Grows 5-8' tall and 4-5' wide. Cross between a gooseberry and black currant, high in Vitamin C. Disease resistant shrub, easy to grow. Produces delicious large, dark colored, sweet-tart fruit for fresh eating and processing, but takes a few years to produce and may not yield as high as currants or gooseberries. Pruning recommended.

    Red Josta Jostaberry

    Orus 8

    Very productive, vigorous bush producing medium-sized, almost black berries, with good disease resistance.
    A black currant/gooseberry cross (jostaberry) but has some small thorns
    "ORUS refers to the USDA-ARS small fruits breeding program (so the "US" part) located in Oregon (obviously, the "OR" part)" (houzz discussion)

    Orus 8 Jostaberry




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